Who We Are In Idaho, more than 300 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) provide cost-effective, accessible, safe, evidence-based, and collaborative anesthesia care, including chronic pain management. CRNAs in Idaho work in every practice environment in which anesthesia care is delivered, including hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, physician and dentist offices, and forward-deployed surgical teams. CRNAs live, work, and recreate in every county of the Gem State. | JOIN IDANA
We need your helpDonate to our PAC to ensure that Idaho remains a great place for CRNAs to practice. | What We Do Each year, IDANA holds a Winter Conference and a Fall Conference to provide an opportunity for Idaho CRNAs to learn from experts across the country. IDANA also advocates on behalf of its members to ensure that Idaho remains a great place to practice. |
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